Where Can I Find N95s?

Wearing any mask is better than not wearing a mask.

At MaskEvidence.org, we are working to curate information on better reusable masks, recognizing that many don't have access to, or can't afford, respirators (N95, CaN95, CaN99, FFP3). However, we recommend that people wear the best mask available.

The best mask is a respirator - N95, CaN95, CaN99, FFP3. This page links to curated lists of reliable respirator manufacturers. We recommend choosing a design with overhead elastic for a better fit.

North America

Project N95 (US) curates websites where you can purchase KN95s, KF94s, N95s and medical masks.

Children: Project N95 has a children’s collection. This March 2024 article identifies masks for children in the US. United States Mask has a mask with a high-quality filter and overhead elastic, like an N95, in a child’s size. This is made with the same materials and processes as their NIOSH-certified N95. NIOSH is concerned with workplace safety and therefore doesn’t certify children’s masks. Aaron Collins (@masknerd) reviewed their data here (sorry, this is a Twitter link). Very young children and children who can’t remove their own mask shouldn’t wear overhead elastic.


The Canadian Association of PPE Manufacturers, CAPPEM, curates a list of Canadian-made PPE.

Canada Strong (Canada) supplies masks from Canadian PPE manufacturers including masks for children and a black NIOSH-certified N95.

Donate a Mask, ‘a bunch of cool people on a mission to help make masks more accessible using the power of Open Source’, supplies free N95s and Covid test kits on request. To request masks, click here. To make a donation so that others can have free masks, click here.

Children: Masks4Canada has a section on their tip sheet for children’s masks. See also US, children, above.

What about supply issues and cost?

In North America, and likely elsewhere, the supply of respirators is more than adequate to meet the needs of frontline workers. People should have no hesitation, if they have the resources, in purchasing respirators for personal use in the community. If cost or availability is an issue, we recommend practicing extended use.

If you are in Canada, see ‘Donate a Mask’ above.

What if I can’t obtain N95s?

This page summarizes what we know about filtration from different kinds of masks, and provides details on how to get the best from cloth and non-fitted disposable masks. There are lots of options, described on our page on mask hacks.

What about elsewhere in the world?

We are looking for other groups curating reliable lists of suppliers of respirators, around the world. Please send us information if you are a group, or know of a group, that is curating a list. We don't have the resources to check out individual manufacturers.