Sourcing Polypropylene

Finding Industry-Grade Spunbond Non-Woven Polypropylene for Masks

​Please note, this is not a real-time list of availability. We add suppliers to the list as we are contacted. We do not remove suppliers unless requested by the supplier. We hope this list will be helpful to you in identifying the type of place to source polypropylene even if it doesn’t lead you to a specific supplier.

Canada: to find retail in Canada

We have put together a list of direct-to-consumer sellers that carry this product: click here

Canada: to add your business to the list of polypropylene retailers in Canada

If you would like to be included on the list of sellers of non-woven polypropylene, please complete this brief questionnaire: click here

International: to find retail worldwide

Direct-to-consumer sellers worldwide that carry this product: click here

International: to add your business to the list of polypropylene retailers worldwide:

If you would like to be included on the list of sellers of non-woven polypropylene, please complete this brief questionnaire: click here

Mask Makers everywhere:

If you know of another seller that carries this product, please forward a link to this page to your seller, so that they can complete the seller's questionnaire. Or contact us, and we will reach out to them.